Bayonet | Rural Solutions

Slice Cut Staples Plain New Zealand made staples, manufactured by Bayonet in the Bay of Plenty. Corrosion Protection • Designed to withstand New Zealand’s harsh weather and chemicals thanks to BayoZal’s 95% zinc / 5% aluminium wire. Our staples have 5 degree splayed legs that twist in opposite directions when driven and a 95% zinc / 5% aluminium coating protect against adverse weather and chemical sprays, giving them extended life over BayoGal Plus. Plain staples are available in a range of sizes - 50mm for soft posts, 40mm staples for hard posts and 30mm for battens. Features Strength • Featuring 5 degree splayed legs causing splaying outwards when driven, providing further holding strength in softwood posts. • Slice cuts assist with staple splay when driven. ® 42 0800 330 320 |